Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - Phase B: 2009-2010

physical elements

- BLC Pedestrian Bridge, which connects Northbank and Southbank.
- BLC Park as a liner green roude including activities and interactions, connecting the existing King George's Park with Hurligham Park.
- BLC Pedestrianised High-Streets, connecting the new BLC London Overgound Station and the existing Wandsworth Town Railway Station with the
new BLC Pedestrian Bridge.
- FlexiCutlure Hall
- More flexi-type buildings

digital elements
-Intelligent street and building lights that can be accessed through the Internet, changing colour and intensity depending on the time of day or on the demands or on the possible artistic interest. Digital street furniture elements, such as coffee tables, bus stops or signs, can display information about menu content, the location of a bus line or the available parking spaces.
-facades that incorporate digital display screen, programmable glass screens for public and private multiuse, programmable awnings that can provide shade and modify spaces along the edge of a building, interactive floors, responsive “water walls” and flexible glass Cubes, bookable on-line for any use.