Wednesday, December 17, 2008

MArch Urban Design 2008 Show at the Bartlett

BellLaneCreek . net
Information and Telecommunication Technologies have become an integral part of our life and have affected deeply our working and entertainment habits, our whole lifestyle and the way we experience the city.
In what way is information and communication technology changing our lives and how is the city affected by this change?
Is this new kind of lifestyle, which is characterized by "flexibility" and "multiplicity" going to transform the physical image of the city as we know it so far? How is the urban environment going to be affected by the rapidly change of the digital world? is a research project, studying ICT’s impact on the image of the city, an experiment that is taking place during the planning, the design, the construction and the inhabitation of a part of London, in order to eventually create
a High-Tech Metropolis with a Humane urban Culture.